Devising a New Ethical Narrative.
Your capacity of resolving medical and ethical problems will be put to test in this unique event!
Two rounds of challenging cases will be presented to teams of 2 members.
The first round is ‘conflict resolution’ in which the teams will be given a case scenario, where there lies a conflict of interest between 2 professionals. The team is supposed to come up with an ethically sound solution to the given problem.
4 teams will be chosen for the next round where they will be allotted a pillar of bioethics i.e. justice, non-maleficence, beneficence and
The teams will then be given a case scenario, where they have to decide if the conclusion drawn at the end of the case was ethically right, in terms of the pillar allotted to each team.
They can do so by discussion and analysis to justify their stance through the same.
Rules for the contest:
Registrations open in pairs (2 member team).
No foul language is to be used.
Exceeding time limit may result in reduction of points
In round 1, teams will be given 5 minutes to discuss the given topic. They will then be given 3 mins to speak with their turn. Only 1 speaker is allowed to speak during the time.
In the second round, Team will be given 5 minutes to discuss on the topic and will get to discuss their resolution for 3 minutes.
Topics will be given on the spot.
No malpractice and cheating will be entertained(using phones etc.)
Not following the above rules will result in disqualification.
Judging Criteria:
Relevance to the topic
Logically sound arguments
Adherence to Time limit.
Clarity of thought and speech

In this round, a case of a conflict of interest between two professionals will be presented to the teams.
The teams must come up with an ethically sound solution to resolve the conflict.
In this round, the teams will be given one of the four pillars of bioethics (justice, non-maleficence autonomy, and beneficence).
A case study will then be presented to the teams.
They must decide if the conclusion drawn at the
end of the case is ethically right based on the pillar they've been allotted.
They can do so by discussion and analysis to justify their stance through the same.