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The Perfect Resarch Proposal
(for Undergraduates)

Faculty :

Dr. Rathika D. Shenoy

Professor and Head, Department of Pediatrics,

K. S. Hegde Medical Academy, Mangalore.
Member representing South zone in Research Support Committee, Indian Academy of Paediatrics, Medical Education Chapter

Areas Of Special Interest: Medical genetics, Dysmorphology, Inherited Metabolic Disorders and Genetic Counselling, Community Neonatology.

What does this workshop offer?

Drafting the perfect proposal is an intricate process that requires weeks of research, review and dedication to make sure it is approved. An effective proposal clearly explains your research question as well as identifies and analyses the methods that you will use to perform your research.

A successful research proposal must also position your research in the larger field of study and describe why it is significant.


Right from structuring it, to the final presentation, there are a number of things one must keep in mind while drafting the proposal. All these points will be highlighted in this workshop with a major focus on how to get approval for the proposal.




Outcome of this workshop:

  1. Write a good research proposal.

  2. Understand what to include and what not to include.

  3. Structure it well.

  4. How to approach one’s guide

  5. Present the proposal in an acceptable manner.

Duration : 180 minutes

Register Now!

Limited registrations : 30 ONLY

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